360 lifetime clog-free warranty double-pro interior gutter image


alu-rex gutter guard double-pro description

Double-Pro is a dual-action gutter protection system that features two layers that work together to become the perfect filter. This continuous hanger with built-in guard is designed to withstand the worst weather conditions in North America, while keeping your gutters free of clogs and ice year after year.  

The patented microfiltration screens are designed to prevent fine debris such as pine needles from entering the gutter system, while suction is created by the offsetting hole patterns. Alu-Rex’s unique design delivers unparalleled protection against sap, pollen, and dirt build up that can clog screen products and diminish performance. 

To top it off, Double-Pro has one of the most extensive warranties in the industry. A lifetime warranty on materials, durability, and clog-free performance.  


Double-Pro features a continuous hanger system for mounting gutters.  This patented design uses the entire length of the gutter guard to support the weight of the gutter, instead of gutter brackets that are typically spaced 2-3 feet apart.   The continuous hanger is the only fastening system that leaves gutters strong and rigid along their entire length, which eliminates the weak points that other systems generate between nails or spaced hangers.

With this new technology gutters are able to withstand up to 6 times more weight than previously with traditional gutter hangers. In fact, up to 250-500 lbs. per linear foot is easily supported using Alu-Rex’s continuous hanger technology. Because of the extra strength provided by the continuous hanger, Double-Pro systems include a LIFETIME warranty on sturdiness and durability.  

continuous hanger system diagram


Alu-Rex’s flagship product is covered by the most extensive warranty in the industry: a lifetime warranty on material, durability, and clog-free performance. To top if off the Double-Pro is the only gutter guard on the market with a lifetime clog-free warranty against pine needles.

360 lifetime clog-free warranty
double-pro drainage diagram
wintershield technology logo
  • Snow and ice remain on top of the product
  • Protects against expansion caused by snow and ice thawing and freezing inside of the gutter
  • Your gutters will drain normally as the snow melts
  • Does not rust or warp 
double-pro winter shield

eclipse technology logo

The double membrane keeps debris  from getting inside the gutter system. The offset holes make it the perfect filter, allowing water to drain freely while blocking pine needles and leaves without ever getting clogged.

The suction created by the two membranes makes it possible to drain three times more water than ever recorded in the heaviest storms. The inner membrane draws water  through the wider holes.

double-pro gutter guard
gutter-clean gutter covers for existing gutters


93 Monocacy Blvd. A-6

Frederick, MD 21701



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double-pro 2025 product sample